So it is now spring and I feel like its been such a long time since I last posted. I believe it's been around 1-2 months and quite a bit has happened since then so let's get you update.

So spring has started off nice and cold with lot's of rain and the occasional sun day. Many of my little plant babies have past but that opens the door (and my heart) for some new little bright colourful pretties. This past month and a bit has been stressful but eye opening. I can't go into much detail because the events include others but let's just say I will never ever take life and my body for granted again.

This past month specifically I have vowed to focus on the health of my mind and body and not take these things for granted. I get so down on myself and I pick apart my body like I'm in a science lab dissecting what ever was put in front of us. I pick apart my body and say I have to many rolls here, I don't like my freckles there, my butt isn't round enough and my boobs are too small. But I need to be happy with the fact that I have a body that is nice and healthy (for the most part).

I've been working on making a clearer working and sleeping space, I have noticed the more clear and clean I keep it the less stressed and lazy I feel. Now I still have bad thoughts about my body but I still appreciate for the beauty and magical thing it is. I have learned to embrace my self and take time to care for myself and pamper myself.

The body I was once ashamed of I am learning to LOVE. Now as I said before I still have the days where I poke and prod at the "imperfections" I see, but then I am reminded by my myself and my partner that I am just fine the way I am. Yes there is room for improvement, there is always room to improve yourself which isn't a bad thing. It's you growing as a person and discovering who you are.

I've just hit 20 years old and I still don't know who I am but, I am slowly learning.

As the flowers start to bloom in the spring so do I.
I open myself up to knew beginnings and close the door on old chapters.
I drop my old petals that oh I still love,  but open up slowly with new petals.
In petals I know that won't stay long, but long enough
To know who I will become next spring.
My petals always change, so does my body
That's okay because I'm never going to be the same person I was the previous day.
I will be new and have more lesson to learn,
I will be soft and gentle.
I will be similar to yesterday but not the same as today.
I am growing and with growing comes shedding.
As the flowers start to bloom in the spring, so do I.
(written by J.M.Q)

So spring has become a time of growth for me, a time or healing, shedding and learning.
I feel like come summer time, I will be more in tune with my body, understand it's need and wants. Also understanding who I am and who I want to become as a person.

Love yourself and let yourself shed the negatives and bloom with the positives.

You are still growing, don't be sad if it doesn't happen over night. It's not supposed to.


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